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where am i?

this is the bookshelf of html-garden

please keep in mind: i tend to read non-fiction and fiction with heavy themes and subjects. please be warned that a lot of these books lean towards theory and research on serious topics, and mostly will not be light reads. they will, however, be rewarding to take in and think through.

imaginary asked questions

the rest of this website is so cutesy, whats going on here?

if youve been paying attention, you've noticed my cutesey internet aesthetics are not divorced from their contexts. theres no way to separate politics from anything, especially not aesthetics. especially not the internet. im taking this website as an opportunity to do things i cant do on popular social media. should go without saying, you should expect the reads here to be political in nature.

why non-fiction?

to be honest, i dont read a lot of fiction because i experience a lot of life like i'm behind layers of glass. theory often plays an important role in grounding me and getting me thinking, even if they're not exactly happy thoughts. i like to engage in critique and analysis. i hope it will not just sit there in my mind, but grow into something alongside all the ideas i've gathered from the world and people around me. a lot of non fiction writing is not so dry and dense, and the authors weave in a lot of lived experiences.


... ♡ last updated 3/7/25 ♡ ... ♡ library ipod style template by pomelo ♡ ... ♡ html garden is proud to be a never ending work in progress ♡ ...

bookshelf highlights

non-fiction spotlight


short reads

my kind of fiction