
html-garden ♡ library

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ipod layout by pom

where am i?

this is a featured selection of some of my favorite media at the moment, a sample of the media you can find in my library. click around to explore more!

clicking on certain words and images will link out and allow you to access media.


... ♡ last updated 3/7/25 ♡ ... ♡ library ipod style template by pomelo ♡ ... ♡ html garden is proud to be a never ending work in progress ♡ ...


mackerel media fish website very fun and creative website to explore! home of oldschool freeware eg. the electronic zine maker

current recs

blockchain chicken farm by xiaowei wang was a great read i didn't know i needed. it really gets down to the workings of technology and the tangibility of labor that silicon valley execs try to hide away behind a veil of "automation".

all time favorites

kamikaze girls (2004) is probably my favorite movie of all time. momoko gets me.

glitch feminism by legacy russell means everything to me. what a great book that came into my life at the right moment. borrow a copy.

cat soup (2001) is a short film about... u know... cats doing cat stuff